Hydraulic piston pump supplies energy for the lift of downhole liquid by the hydraulic pressure. 水力活塞泵是一种依靠液体压力传递能量的抽油系统。
Research and application of the matching technology for rod pump lift in high-inclination wells 大斜度井有杆泵举升配套技术的研究与应用
In the research of the influences of geometrical parameters of centrifugal pump on the delivery lift, particular attention should be paid on the research of synthetic influence. 离心泵几何参数对扬程的影响.应当侧重于综合影响的研究。
It is suggested that large-displacement screw pump with high lift be developed to widen its application scope. 建议要进一步提高减速器的承载能力,研制大排量高扬程螺杆泵,从而扩大其应用领域。
The head and efficiency of axial flow pump are calculated and compared with experimental data. Numerical simulation was adopted to analysis the inner flow condition of centrifugal impeller with splitter blades, which explored the principle of improving pump lift head and efficiency. 采用数值计算的方法,对带分流叶片低比速离心泵内流场进行详细分析,从内部流动规律角度探讨了分流叶片提高水泵扬程和效率的机理。
The slurry pump lift has been decided to be the lifting method in the middle-term pilot deep-sea mining and future commercial mining of China through the research and comparison of many schemes in the past research. 我国通过八五期间扬矿多方案的研究比较,已确定矿浆泵水力扬矿方法为海上中期试采和将来商业开采的扬矿方法。
Single Pump Flow Measurement in the Pump Station with Low Lift and Large Flow Rate 低扬程大流量泵站单机流量测量
Development of casing type jet pump for combination lift 组合举升套管式射流泵研制
Application of the pressure difference meter to testing the pump lift 压差测量仪在水泵扬程测试中的应用
The experiment shows that the air-lift pump can lift mass, only when the flow pattern of flow is slug flow. 实验表明只有当流体的流型为团状流时,才能实现气举装置的提升功能。
This paper starts with the cavitation and centrifugal pump lift theories analysis, not only deduces the basic equation in cavitation in centrifugal pump, but also analyses the influence of each factor on the cavitation property during the pump operation. 本文从离心泵扬程理论和汽蚀理论分析入手,不仅推导了离心泵汽蚀基本方程式,而且分析了离心泵工作过程中各种因素对汽蚀性能的影响。
It is described how to measure the pump lift with pressure difference meter. 介绍了用压差测量仪测试水泵扬程的方法。
Applying this method, the efficiency of installation of pump set in the low lift region can be raised from the label value of 12.16% to the test value 17.41%. 在低扬程地区,应用此法,可将所测抽水泵站的装置效率从铭牌配套的12.16%提高到17.41%;
Application of silicon containing scale remover to screw pump lift in ASP flooding 三元复合驱硅垢除垢剂在螺杆泵举升井中的应用
The factors of pump lift and pump price have been considered comprehensively in design, thus making whole irrigation system work under the economical and energy-saving condition and making the system have minimum yearly cost. 在设计中综合考虑了泵的扬程和泵的价格等因素,使设计出的整个灌溉系统运行于较经济的节能状态,并使系统的年费用最小。
In pump stations since the impellers are always worn out with enduring operation of pumps, the really pump lift can not reach its theoretical lift. So really pump lift should be tested in the process of hydraulic calculating and current condition analysis of water network. 给水泵站中的水泵经过长时间的运行,由于叶轮受到磨损,水泵实际扬程已达不到其理论扬程,所以在管网水力计算以及现状分析时要测试水泵的实际扬程。
Screw pump is an ideal artificial lift mode for producing fluid with high viscosity and solids. 螺杆泵是开采高粘度、含固相流体的理想机采方式。
The technologic aspects of scale removal in electric pump lift wells by using SQG-1 and the good scale removing results in one well are presented. 介绍了用SQG1清除电泵井井下结垢的工艺及在1口井清垢的良好效果。
Study on the method for determining the height of multistage pump's site in lift irrigated area 提水灌区多级泵站站址高程的确定
Applying twin-head screw pump to increase the displacement and lift. 采用双头螺杆泵,增大了泵的排量和扬程,可实现大泵深抽。
Study of Method about How to Measure Mineral Pump Lift 矿用水泵扬程的测量方法研究
The slurry pump lift and air lift are thought to be practicable and the most promising lift methods through the research and pilot mining. 通过试验研究和深海试采,矿浆泵水力提升和气力提升被认为是切实可行、具有应用前景的扬矿方法。
By establishing non-linear mathematical programming model which solved by genetic algorithm, an optimal design is made of the annular water supply network which supplied by frequency conversion pump, the pipe diameter, lift and design flow can be gotten under the condition of least annual cost. 通过建立非线性数学规划模型,用遗传算法求解,对变频泵供水方式下环状给水管网进行优化设计,求得管网年费用最小情况下管段管径、扬程和设计秒流量。
It cannot only provide the technical design method for gas lift jet pump and continuous gas lift, but also makes dynamic analysis for it. 研发的工艺设计软件除了可以进行气体加速泵工艺设计之外,也能进行连续气举工艺设计,并可以计算气体加速泵动态。
As for the 208m high tower of Yangpu Main bridge, certain requirements exist in concrete shrinkage and creepage. After a series of researches and tests, the mix ratio is determined for the high-performance concrete adapted to high pump lift. 208m高的杨浦大桥主桥塔对混凝土收缩、徐变有着特定的要求,通过试验探索,确定了高性能、高泵程混凝土的配合比。
In addition to the circulation pump with smaller lift was set at the heat source, more than one pressurized circulation variable frequency pump were set up along the heating out-let in the design, and the way of water-mixing heat exchange was adopted by heat users. 动力分布式混水变频系统设计方案,除了在热源处设置扬程较小的循环泵外,还在供热外网沿途设置多个加压循环变频泵,热用户换热方式采用混水换热。
The sludge pump with the sewage pump are similar in energy consumes. So the pump lift must be determined by accurate calculating the head loss. 污泥泵耗能与污水提升泵类似,要尽量减小扬程和输送距离。
Sucker rod pump is the main artificial lift methods, and also is widely used in heavy oil production. 有杆抽油是国内外应用最多的人工举升方式,并广泛应用于稠油开采。
The most important point is that taking the water as the driving medium, a hydraulic motor is used to drive an oil extraction pump to lift up oil to the ground. 其最重要的特点是采用水为动力介质,由液压马达驱动采油泵将原油举升到地面。